Why customers deserve a new way to buy legal insight

Do you feel that you would like to include, or increase, legal risk management in your everyday business processes, but that you don’t have the time or want to spend money on legal fees or expanding the in-house legal department? You are not alone!

And now there is a solution - we call it Law Off The Shelf.

The concept is that you can buy legal insight screening reports and templates here at our marketplace, for a fraction of the cost of traditional legal advice. The reports are typically a hybrid form of product/service, and represent a combination of lawyers know-how and modern technologies such as generative AI, finished off with a human layer review.

Does this sound too good to be true? Judge for yourself by trying one of our products here at the marketplace. The price level makes it a no-brainer to at least try and challenge the status quo of your organization’s current handling of legal risk mitigation.


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