Let’s make the paradigm shift really happen

Do you already provide an unbundled legal tech tool and want to showcase how great it is here at Law Off The Shelf? Or do you want to try to unbundle a part of your legal tech product for the first time here at Law Off The Shelf? If so, you will have the opportunity to reach out to a new and wide customer category that historically has not afforded, or prioritized, to include legal risk mitigation in their daily course of business.

This is a greenfield market opportunity. Such customers may finally include, or increase, legal risk management in their business processes, no matter whether the customer is a large or small company.

We at Law Off The Shelf want to get in contact with progressive legal tech providers who wants to try something new. If you are interested, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Join the movement and support the vision of enabling legal services to all!    


Will access to legal insight for all have an impact on society?


Be an integral part of the new AI driven legal market